Mailing List

We no longer charge for mailing lists. Please email the Board office at APB.info@arkansas.gov for a mailing list. Any phone calls to the Board Office regarding a mailing list will not be answered as all requests must come through email.

The mailing list will be emailed to you in Excel and will consist of the following for active and voluntary inactive licensees:

License Type Address
Abbreviation City
License Number State
Highest Degree Zip
Title Work Phone
First Name E-Mail
Middle Name License Began
Last Name License Expires

Neuropsychological Testing Workforce Scholarship/Stipend

Neuropsychological testing services are necessary services for the citizens of the State of Arkansas in order to provide access to and inform a broad range of clinical services, psychoeducational services, and legal and quasi-legal decision-making skills, including without limitation child custody evaluations, forensic evaluations, and occupationally mandated psychological and neuropsychological evaluations. There is a workforce shortage and a need for education and training to promote the workforce pipeline for these clinical services. It is the intent of this subchapter that the Arkansas Psychology Board shall approve scholarships, stipends, and incentives, such as loan repayment assistance, based on standards established by the General Assembly and the board for individuals pursuing career paths that address the workforce shortage for these clinical services.

Renewal: Subject to the availability of funds, each scholarship, stipend, or incentive awarded to an applicant under this subchapter shall be renewable annually for the number of years required to complete a qualifying program under this subchapter. Each scholarship, stipend, or incentive awarded to an applicant under this subchapter subsequent to his or her initial receipt of a scholarship, stipend, or incentive shall be made only upon application of the recipient and upon a finding by the Arkansas Psychology Board that the applicant meets all qualifications under this subchapter and board rules.


Recipients: Ellie Embry, Anna Achter, Kathryn Armstrong, and Kristina Ray


One of the responsibilities of the Arkansas Psychology Board is to investigate complaints about individuals licensed by the Board. Any concerned citizen or entity can file a complaint about the practice of a licensee with the Board.

Following are procedures for filing complaints with the Board:

  1. All complaints must be in writing and the document must be signed and dated. Complaints will not be accepted by email or phone. Complaints will not be filed until they are received in writing.
  2. Please use the complaint form provided. You may add sheets as needed. | DOWNLOAD
  3. A signed complaint form means the Complainant will waive rights, patient and otherwise, to confidentiality as part of the process of the complaint being investigated. This is unavoidable due to legal requirements.
  4. The Complaint Committee will review the complaint to determine whether ethical violations have occurred.
  5. After review, the Complaint Committee will make a recommendation to the full board on how to proceed.

Send your form/letter to:
Arkansas Psychology Board
ATTN:  Complaints Committee
101 East Capitol, Suite 415
Little Rock, AR 72201

It is important to give as much detail as possible when making your complaint. Please provide:

  • The licensee’s name and license number
  • Your name and contact information
  • American Psychological Association or other ethical standards you feel the practitioner violated
  • A chronological history of the pertinent facts.
  • Copies of documents relevant to your complaint such as court orders, reports, progress notes, etc.


Mission Statement

The Arkansas Psychology Board is composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of the State of Arkansas to staggered terms of five years.  The Board is charged by law with regulating the practice of psychology in the State of Arkansas including, but not limited to, examining and passing upon the qualification of applicants for the practice of psychology.  The major responsibility of the Arkansas Psychology Board is ensuring that the people of the State of Arkansas are protected from misrepresentation, unethical practice, and/or incompetence in the practice of psychology.

The Board is charged by law with administering its duties consistent with the Act under which it was organized and authorized to regulate the practice of psychology consistent with the Administrative Procedures Act and in the interest of the public of the State of Arkansas.


Dr. Edward Kleitsch, Ph.D. | Chair
Term expires: December 31, 2023

Mr. James Furgason | Member
Term expires: December 31, 2023

Mr. Mickey Shell | Member
Term expires: December 31, 2023

Dr. Joyce Fowler, Ph.D. | Member
Term expires: December 31, 2023

Mr. Jon Priest, M.A. | Member
Term expires: December 31, 2028

Dr. Lisa Fitzgibbons, Ph.D. | Member
Term expires: December 31, 2023


Normal business hours are defined as Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM, closed for lunch, then, 1:00 PM until 4:30 PM. In addition, the Board office will close on regularly scheduled legal holidays.

Colin Davies, Executive Director

Brandi Thompson, Administrative Specialist III


Board Meeting Agenda Deadlines
The Board typically meets the third Friday of the month. If you would like to have an item on the Board meeting agenda, it must be in the office by the first day of the month.  The request must be submitted in writing and mailed to the Board office.

This includes applications for credential reviews.  The application must be complete and ready for review by the 1st of the month to be considered at that month’s Board meeting.


NOTE: All dates are subject to change

January 17th, 2025

February 21st, 2025

March 21st, 2025

April 18th, 2025

May 16th, 2025

June 20th, 2025

July 18th, 2025

August 15th, 2025

September 19th, 2025

October TBD

November 21st, 2025

December TBD



In order to protect the citizens of Arkansas, the Board will post the final findings on substantiated ethical violations.  This is a partial listing of the ethical violations on file in the Board office.  This list will be updated periodically.  When you click on the name of the licensee, a pdf document will open.  That document will consist of the final findings related to that case.  If a licensee is NOT on this list and you would like the final findings from their case, please contact the Board office.

If you would like to submit an official complaint regarding ethical violations, please follow the complaint process as described above.