Requirements for licensure

The Requirements for licensure as a Psychologist can be found in § 5 of the Arkansas Psychology Board Rules and Regulations and in Subchapter 3 of Chapter 97. Licenses are renewable annually and are active from July 1 to June 30.

Supervisor status

Information regarding Supervisor Status can be found in § 6 and § 7 of the Arkansas Psychology Board Rules and Regulations and in Subchapter 4 of Chapter 97. Also, please see Supervisor Reporting Forms on this page.


The National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) guidelines was adopted by the Board on January 11, 2008. Therefore, any Psychologist licensed after that date and would like to indicate Neuropsychology on their Statement of Intent, must meet the minimal criteria for clinical neuropsychology. Click here for NAN Guidelines.

Employment of Technicians

Please view the Technicians section for more information.



The Requirements for licensure as a Licensed Psychological Examiner can be found in § 5 of the Arkansas Psychology Board Rules and Regulations and in Subchapter 3 of Chapter 97.


Please email the board requesting an application request form, once you receive the application request form, we will email you the complete application form. Once you complete the application you must mail it back to the board office and please include a $10 check made out to the Arkansas Psychology Board. Please see below in the Licensed Psychological Examiners Forms the request form and all other forms. All requirements to become licensed can be found in our rules and also in the ACT that was signed into law. Please make sure you have the course requirements and internship hours as we can not accept substitute work or experience in lieu of course work or internship hours.

Licensed Psychological Examiner Forms

About Form Submissions: All forms and applications must be received by the first of the month to be placed on the Agenda. The Board will not review incomplete applications. The request to receive an Application Request Form can be made via email and submitted via email but the application packet must be mailed back to the Board Office and must include a $10 check made out to the Arkansas Psychology Board.


The Requirements for licensure as a Psychological Examiner – Independent can be found in § 5.3.5 of the Arkansas Psychology Board Rules.

Licensed BEFORE December 31, 1997

If you are a Licensed Psychological Examiner, and you were licensed before December 31, 1997, you can complete the Statement of Intent Pre-1997 form. You must include a cover letter requesting independent practice.

  1. The Statement of Intent Psychological Examiner Independent Practice—Pre-1997 must match with the current, most recent Board-approved Statement of Intent on file. If you need a copy of your Statement of Intent, please contact the Board office.
  2. If you would like to make changes to the Statement of Intent on file, you must first complete a Statement of Intent to Practice as a Licensed Psychological Examiner and submit this form to the Board office for approval.
    1. You must include a cover letter with the Statement of Intent to Practice as a Licensed Psychological Examiner form.
    2. You must sign and date the form.
    3. This request must be approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board Members BEFORE you can submit the information related to Independent Status.
  3. If your Statement of Intent has no changes—or—you have received approval for the revisions on your Statement of Intent, then, you may complete the Statement of Intent—Psychological Examiner Independent Practice—Pre-1997 form.
    1. You must include a cover letter with the Statement of Intent—Psychological Examiner Independent Practice—Pre-1997 form
    2. You must sign and date the form.
    3. This request must be approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board before you will be granted Independent Status.
  4. Important: if, according to your Statement of Intent-Psychological Examiner Independent Practice-Pre 1997, you are still providing any services that require supervision, you must submit a Supervision Agreement and Plan to the Board for consideration. Otherwise, you shall not provide any of those specific services to clients.
    1. You and your Arkansas Psychology Board approved Supervising Psychologist must sign and date this form.

Licensed AFTER December 31, 1997

If you are a Licensed Psychological Examiner, and you were licensed after December 31, 1997, you MUST complete the Statement of Intent-Psychological Examiner Independent Practice-Post 1997 and the Licensee Supervision Plan—PE Independent Practice forms. You MUST include a cover letter requesting independent practice.

  1. The Statement of Intent Psychological Examiner Independent Practice—Post-1997 MUST match with the current, most recent Board-approved Statement of Intent on file. If you need a copy of your Statement of Intent, please contact the Board office.
    1. If you would like to make changes to the Statement of Intent on file, you must complete a Statement of Intent to Practice as a Licensed Psychological Examiner and submit this form to the Board office for approval.
    2. You MUST include a cover letter with the Statement of Intent to Practice as a Licensed Psychological Examiner form.
    3. You MUST sign and date this form.
    4. This request MUST be approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board Members BEFORE you can submit the information related to Independent Status.
  2. If no changes are to made to your Statement of Intent—or—you received approval for the revisions on your Statement of Intent, then, you may complete the Statement of Intent—Psychological Examiner Independent Practice—Post-1997 form and the Licensee Supervision Plan—PE Independent Practice form.
    1. The Plan of Supervision Sessions on the Licensee Supervision Plan—PE Independent Practice form MUST be: Individual, one hour, face-to-face, weekly, supervision with the Arkansas Psychology Board approved Supervising Psychologist indicated on this form. This is the minimum standard!
    2. You and your Arkansas Psychology Board-approved Supervising Psychologist MUST sign and date this form.
    3. You MUST include a cover letter with the above forms.
    4. This request MUST be approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board Members.
    5. You shall NOT begin accruing the 3000 hours of supervised experience towards Independent status until your request is approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board Members.

Licensee Supervision Completion

When you complete the 3000 hours of supervised experience for Independent status as a Licensed Psychological Examiner within the State of Arkansas, you MUST complete a Licensee Supervision Completion—PE Independent Practice form. This form requires approval from the Arkansas Psychology Board Members before you shall be considered an Independent practitioner.

Important: If, according to your Statement of Intent-Psychological Examiner Independent Practice-Post 1997, you are still providing any services that require supervision, you MUST submit a Supervision Agreement and Plan to the Board for consideration. Otherwise, you shall not provide any of those specific services to clients.

  1. You MUST complete the Licensee Supervision Completion—PE Independent Practice form and submit it to the Board office for consideration.
    1. Important, if you had more than one (1) Arkansas Psychology Board approved Supervising Psychologist, while you were accruing the 3000 hours of supervised experience towards Independent status, then the Board requires each one to complete the LPE-I Supervision Completion
    2. You and your Arkansas Psychology Board-approved Supervising Psychologist(s) MUST sign and date the form(s).
    3. If required, you MUST include a Supervision Agreement and Plan for any areas of practice that would still require supervision.
    4. You MUST include a cover letter with the above form(s).
    5. This request must be approved by the Arkansas Psychology Board Members before you will be granted Independent Status.


Important Information:

  1. If you are revising your current Statement of Intent, that must be approved before you may submit your request for Independent status.
  2. If you are granted Independent Status and you are still providing ANY services that require Supervision, then, you must submit the Supervision Agreement and Plan to the Board office.

Provisional License Information

  1. As a provisionally licensed Psychologist, you must have written authorization from the Board to practice. You may work only under supervision.
  2. Regulation requirements are in the Rules 7.3 – 7.5.
  3. A Board-approved supervisor must agree to supervise you by signing the Supervision Agreement and Plan.
  4. Please note that any other practice of psychology during this process is in violation of A.C.A § 17-97-101 et seq. The only exception to this is when students engage in psychological practice in conjunction with the specific requirements of formal coursework.
  5. Programs of study must meet the criteria listed in Sections 5.4.A. and 5.4.B of the Board’s Rules and Regulations. Please see below to determine if your program meets Board requirements.
    1. Applicants must have Graduate level course work consisting of three (3) semester hours (5 quarter hours) with a grade of a “B” or above in seven (7) of the areas listed below. If courses taught outside of a department of psychology are used to satisfy this requirement, then the courses must have been taught by a qualified Psychologist as defined in Section 2.2.A of the Rules and Regulations.:
      1. 2.2.A. Qualified Psychologist. Is not a legal tile, but an individual holding a doctorate who meets at least one of the following criteria:
        1. 2.2.A.(1) Is a licensed Psychologist
        2. 2.2.A.(2) Is an instructor of statistics/research design in a graduate department of psychology and holds a joint appointment in another department.
        3. 2.2.A.(3) Possesses a documented doctoral degree in psychology.
      2. Core Areas Include:
          • Behavior Deviation
          • Behavior Theory or Techniques of Behavior Modification
          • Counseling and Psychotherapy Theory and Techniques
          • Developmental Psychology
          • Ethics and Professional Issues
          • Individual Personality Appraisal
          • Individual Testing
          • Industrial/Organizational Psychology
          • Learning
          • Personality Theories
          • Physiological Psychology or Sensation and/or Perception
          • Research Design
          • Social Psychology
          • Statistics
  1. The Arkansas Psychology Board does not pre-approve educational programs, whether they are approved by the American Psychological Association (APA), traditional or non-traditional. All applications are evaluated and passed/failed based on individual merits.


Upon each annual license renewal you will attest to having completed at least 20 Continuing Education hours. 

  1. Licensees will not report CE activity during the year.
  2. Licensees will earn twenty (20) hours of CE activity annually; however, the requirement for one hour of in-person CE’s accrued 7.1.20 to 6.30.21 (for renewal period 21-22) has been waived.
  3. The Board will conduct a random audit of our licensees. If your name is chosen, we will contact you and at that time, the appropriate documents will be required.
  4. Licensees will not submit CE documentation to the Board office unless we contact you for that information.

Licensee Status


The licensee is in good standing, in compliance with board rules, and has paid all dues and fees. This licensee may practice according to Arkansas Psychology Board Rules.


  • Pursuant to Rules and Regulations § 13.9. Inactive Status.  The Board shall charge a fee of one-half the current renewal fee to place a license on Inactive Status.  In the event the license is reactivated, one year (20 hours) of past CEUs must be submitted to the Board proving the licensee has kept up with current standards.
  • The Board will consider the circumstances of the licensee’s inactive status at the time of reinstatement to full licensure and may require an oral examination if deemed necessary.
  • Please submit this form to request Inactive status | Download
  • Forms must include a cover letter with each submission. Incomplete submissions will not be processed by the Board nor will the incomplete submission be returned to you. If you are renewing your license as Inactive, within the State of Arkansas, these forms must be mailed to the Board office for processing.


  • If you would like to retire your license and you will not be reactivating it later. You do not have to pay a fee.
  • Please submit this form to make Retirement status official. | Download
  • Forms must include a cover letter with each submission. Incomplete submissions will not be processed by the Board nor will the incomplete submission be returned to you. If you are Retiring your license to practice Psychology, within the State of Arkansas, then these forms must be mailed to the Board office for processing.


The licensee is not in good standing and may not practice. This is usually due to non-payment of renewal fees during the renewal period. Please contact the office.


This licensee is in good standing. It is the status for all active licensees during the renewal period until they renew their license.

Online Payments


We now have the ability to pay for the following items via our secure online payment system.
NOTE: You’ll need your license number and a debit/credit card.

  • Certification Fee
  • EPPP Exam Administrative Fee
  • Oral Re-Exam Fee
  • Provisional Initial License Fee
  • Provisional 6-month License Fee